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Books > Foreign Language Books >

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Aron, Leon : Yeltsin - A Revolutionary Life
Shelley, Bruce L. : Church History in Plain Language
Russell, Bertrand : Fact and Fiction
Kapelner Zsolt - Gyöngyösi Megyer - Ádám Zsófia (Ed.) : On what it is: Perspectives on Metaphilosphy.
Róheim Géza : Origine et fonction de la culture
Sandler, Irving : The New York School: Painters and Sculptors of the Fifties
Artistes Hongrois en France 1920–2000 - autour de la collection Szöllősi-Nagy - Nemes
Sperber, Dan - Wilson, Deirdre : Relevance - Communication and Cognition
Zweig, Stefan : The Queen of Scots
Nagel, Ernest - Newman, James : Gödel's Proof
Annas, Julia - Barnes, Jonathan : The Modes of Scepticism - Ancient Texts and Modern Interpretations
Hookway, Christopher : Quine: Language, Experience and Reality
Lukacs, John : Budapest 1900 - A Historical Portrait of a City and Its Culture
Rowling, J. K. - John Tiffany - Jack Thorne  : Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Buber, Martin : Das dialogische Prinzip
Mickiewicz, Adam  : Pan Tadeusz - Czyli, Ostatni zajazd na Litwie : historia szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812 we dwunastu ksiegach wierszem.
Hamvas Béla : The Philosophy of Wine
Kovács András Bálint : The Cinema of Béla Tarr - The Circle Closes
Cardullo, Bert (Ed.) : Jean Renoir Interviews
Gundel, Károly : 100 Hungarian Dishes
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