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results: 1835pc(s)
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Ferdinandy György : Chica (dedikált)
Arányi Titi, Jelly és Adila hegedűvel. [Bartók Béla barátai, zenésztársai]
Géppuskás, Kelet -Ukrajna, Bogoduhov.
Hasaló akt
Akt virágos drapéria háttér előtt, bal profil. (146)
Akt kandalló előtt
Édes Anyámnak
2,000 Ft
GAÁL Zoltán : Mi van odafönt 1.
Apostol Pál : Weöres Sándor portré
304.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Settlers], cca. 1910.
30,000 Ft
303.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [News agency photos of the war in Vietnam]. Hungarian News Agency Foreign Photo Service, cca. 1965.
302.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Rizerie de l' Uion. [Rice Mill in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City], cca. 1910.
30,000 Ft
301.     SEYMOUR, MAURICE (N. Y.) : [Women's band in New York (one member of it migrated from Hungary in 1956)], 1958.
300.     MONTE, JOHN : [Henry Fonda signed photo], 1965.
18,000 Ft
299.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rock Hudson signed photo], cca. 1960.
6,000 Ft
298.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Nancy Sinatra’s signed photo], cca. 1965.
15,000 Ft
297.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Bing Crosby signed photo], cca 1950.
18,000 Ft
296.     GABY OF MONTREAL : Walter Siedlak. Canadian King of Cowboys, 1950. Signed Press photo.
13,500 Ft
295.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki-Brothers, Constantine and George) : Famme turque couverte. [Veiled Turkish woman], cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
294.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Vue panoramique et corne d'or. [Istanbul View of the Golden Horn bay], cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
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