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results: 1835pc(s)
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272.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Toledo. Puerta principal del Alcazar. [The main gate of the Alcázar in Toledo], Madrid, cca. 1870.
45,000 Ft
45,000 Ft
274.     OBER-ENGADIN (Oberengadin) :  photo album, leporello.
275.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Cheval syrien [Syrian horse], cca. 1880.
75,000 Ft
276.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Port d’Alexandrette (Syrie).  [Port of Alexandretta in Syria], cca. 1880.
60,000 Ft
276. [Fürdőző matrózok a Dunán]. [amatőr fotó]<br><br>[Swimming sailors in Danube]. [amateur photo] :
277.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [View of Tunis], cca. 1890.
45,000 Ft
278.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Dame turque. [Turkish lady], cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
279.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Bachi bozouks [Bashibazouks]. Studio photo, cca. 1885.
280.     [SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE)?] : [Noble Turkish woman with parasol], cca. 1885.
36,000 Ft
281.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Interieur de la Mosquée de St. Sophie. Vue Générale. [The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul from the inside], cca. 1880.
282.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : [Cemetery in Istanbul], cca. 1880.
36,000 Ft
283.    SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Mosquée de St. Sophie. [The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul], cca. 1880.
36,000 Ft
284.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Mosquée du Sultan Ahmed et l'Hippodrome. [Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) and and the Hippodrome in Istanbul], cca. 1880.
36,000 Ft
284.  [Hamburg kikötője a Moorburg II. hajóval.] [fotó]<br><br>[Port of Hamburg and Moorburg II. ship]. [photo] :
3,600 Ft
285.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Mosquée … [unreadable] … ymanie et maisons turques. [Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) with Istanbul skyline], cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
286.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Mosqués du Shah-Zadé [Sultan Ahmed Mosque or Blue Mosque in Istanbul], cca. 1885.
286. Horthy Miklós híd. A Cs. és Kir. Haditengerészet és magyar hősi halottainak emlékműve. [képeslap]<br><br>[Horthy Miklós bridge]. [postcard] :
287.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Palais Yildiz et Mosquée Hamidie [The Yildiz (Hamidié) Palace and the Yıldız Mosque in Istanbul], cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
288.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Pont de Galata [Galata Bridge in Istanbul],  cca. 1885.
27,000 Ft
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