

üres a kosár

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találatok: 299db
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278.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Dame turque. [Turkish lady], cca. 1880.
45 000 Ft
127.     HUTTERER, (GÉZA) : Das Eiserne Thor beim kleinsten Wasserstand. Orsova, cca. 1891.
4 500 Ft
225.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Der große Imambara oder Ceremoniensaal des Maharadjah’s von Lucknow.     [The Bara (great) Imambara of Lucknow], cca. 1880.
36 000 Ft
105.     BALOGH, RUDOLF : Dorozsma. Szélmalom. Windmühle. Moulin á vent. Molino a vento. Wind-mill. Ungarn – Hongrie.  Cca. 1950.
24 000 Ft
038.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : École Egyptien. Cca. 1870.
54 000 Ft
69.     DAMIANI : Église de la nativité colonnade – Pillars of the Church at Bethlehem. Cca. 1880.
70.     DAMIANI : Eglise de la nativité interieur. – Church of nativity interior. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30 000 Ft
210.     RAPAICH, RICHARD : EMKE café on the morning of 30. October, 1956. Later enlargement.
250.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN (Kusakabe Kimbei?) : Entrance to Shinto Temple, Nagasaki. Cca. 1890
256.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Entrance to Shvay-Dagon – Pagoda, from the Platform, - Rangoon. Cca. 1880. 2 pcs photos.
120 000 Ft
71.     DAMIANI : Entrée de L’église de la nativité – Entrance to the church of the nativity. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
24 000 Ft
73.     DAMIANI : Facade du St. Sepulchre – Facade of the Holy sepulchre. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30 000 Ft
74.     DAMIANI : Famille de Bethléem – Family of Bethlehem. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30 000 Ft
295.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki-Brothers, Constantine and George) : Famme turque couverte. [Veiled Turkish woman], cca. 1880.
30 000 Ft
138.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Fancy album to our beloved miss Paula Stern on the occasion of her marriage…, cca. 1900.
040.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Femme arabe sur baudet. Cca. 1885.
40 000 Ft
014.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Fidel Castro - 4 pcs photos 1974-75.
094.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Fontaine des Apôtres sur la Route de Jéricho. Cca. 1870.
54 000 Ft
143.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Forester Lodge in the Mount Magas-Tax, 1905.
3 000 Ft 2 000 Ft
202.     PÉCSI, JÓZSEF : Fotó és reklám
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