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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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De Hartog, Jan - Spier, Peter : The Sailing Ship
Lane, Frederick A. : The First Admiral
Whittaker, Thomas : Sights and scenes in Oxford city and university
Sinclair, Andrew : Sir Walter Raleigh and the Age of Discovery
Adams, Robert Merrihew  : Leibniz - Determinist, Theist, Idealist
Lynch, Michael Patrick (Ed.) : The Nature of Truth. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives.
Blake, George : British Ships and Shipbuilders
Casevecchie, Janine  - Targat, Gilles  : Paris - Art nouveau
Massingberd, Algernon : Letter on Kossuth and the Hungarian Question
Belényesy Károly : Pálos kolostorok az Abaúji-Hegyalján = Pauline friaries in the Abaúj Hegyalja region
Heller György – Holcsik Ferenc – Horváth Ferenc : A 150 éves magyar vasút ünnepe. Nemzetközi vasúti járműparádé Budapest-Angyalföld, 1996. július 12-14.
White, John H.  : Early American Locomotives
Weaver, Lawrence (ed.) : The House and its Equipment
15,000 Ft
Jones, Sydney R. ; Holme, Charles  : Old houses in Holland
Algeria and Tunisia - Cook’S Traveller’S Handbook
Howard, Frank : Sailing Ships of War 1400-1860
Dummett, Michael A. E.  : Truth and the Other Enigmas
Beach, Captain Edward L. : Around the World Submerged
Petrova,  Ada  - Watson, Peter  : The Death of Hitler
King, C. W. : Antique Gems and Rings, vol. II. - Illustrations
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