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Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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Harry Potter is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft an Wizardry. Unlike most schoolboys, Harry never enjoys his summer holidays, but this summer is even worse than usual. The Dursleys, of course, are making his life a misery, but even his best friends, Ron and Hermione, seem to be neglecting him. Harry has had enough. He is beginning to think he must do something, anything, to change his situation, when the summer holidays come to an end in a very dramatic fashion. What Harry is about to discover in his new year at Hogwarts will turn his word upside down... This is a gripping and elecrifying new novel, full of suspence, secrets, and - of course - magic, from the incomparable J. K. Rowling. J. K. (JOANNE KATHLEEN) ROWLING has written fiction since shewas a child, and always wanted to be an author. Her parents loved reading, and their house in Chepstow was full of boks. In fact, J. K. Rowling wrote her first "book" at the age of six - a story about a rabbit called Rabbit!
kategória: Könyv > Idegennyelvű könyvek > Angol nyelvű >
kiadó: Bloomsbury, (2003)
cikkszám / ISBN: 9780747551003
kötés: kötve/papír
oldalszám: 766
könyv nyelve: angol

szerző további művei

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