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Marék, Veronika : The Ugly Little Girl

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One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly...
One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly Little Girl drew a fairy! The other children laughed themselves silly. "You want to be a fairy? You're even ugly as a girl!" But even the Ugly Little Girl can turn into a beauty with the help of true friends.
Translated by Andrew C. Rouse.
Illustrated by the author.One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly... One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly Little Girl drew a fairy! The other children laughed themselves silly. "You want to be a fairy? You're even ugly as a girl!" But even the Ugly Little Girl can turn into a beauty with the help of true friends.
Translated by Andrew C. Rouse.
Illustrated by the author.One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly... One day the children decided to hold a fancy-dress party. Everyone made a drawing of how they would dress up. The Ugly Little Girl drew a fairy! The other children laughed themselves silly. "You want to be a fairy? You're even ugly as a girl!" But even the Ugly Little Girl can turn into a beauty with the help of true friends.
Translated by Andrew C. Rouse.
Illustrated by the author.

Marék Veronika (Budapest, 1937. december 19.) József Attila-díjas (2010) magyar író, grafikus.

Középiskolai tanulmányait a Fazekas Mihály Gimnáziumban végezte el. 1957-1958 között az Iparművészeti Főiskola díszítő-festő szakán tanult. 1961-1963 között az Állami Bábszínház diákja volt. 1961-1966 között az ELTE BTK magyar szakán tanult.
Szabadfoglalkozású író és grafikus, mesekönyveit maga írja és rajzolja. Rádió- és tv-játékokat, rajzfilmsorozatot, bábjátékokat is ír. Évekig a Kisdobos, a Dörmögő Dömötör külső munkatársa volt.
category: Books > Children's books >
category: Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >
publisher: Móra, (2009)
item number / ISBN: 9789631185713
binding: hardcover
pages: 48
language: English
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