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Sisa, Stephen [Sisa István] : The Spirit of Hungary - A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture

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Second edition.

The Spirit of Hungary: A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture includes these events that molded the nation's soul:
The arrival into the Carpathian Basin...the conversion to Christianity...the glory years of wealth and power...the Mongol invasion...the tragic battle of Mohacs, followed by 150 years of Turkish rule...the struggle and compromise with the Hapsburgs...wars of liberation led by Rakoczi and Kossuth...Hungary's dismemberment at Trianon in 1920...the Horthy era...Communist rule..."glory in defeat"--the Revolution of 1956...the struggle for survival of Hungarian ethnics in neighboring states..."glory in victory"--the bloodless revolution of 1989...a "nation without boundaries."
This book also provides witness to history through colorful biographies, including:
-Saint Stephen, who Christianized a nation of pagan warriors -Janos Hunyadi, the Defender of Christendom -Matthias, the Renaissance King -Ferenc Rakoczi, who held Europe's largest empire at bay with his ragtag army for eight years -Louis Kossuth, who was compared to Moses and Washington during his triumphant tour of America in 1851 -Queen Elizabeth, who became Hungary's "Guardian Angel" during her bittersweet life. -Cardinal Mindszenty, who defied Communist rule -and many others.
The Spirit of Hungary also provides a panorama of Hungarian culture, including its language, music, art, and literature.
Chapters on the "Hungarian Genius" and "A Nation of Champions" cover world-class achievements science, medicine, mathematics, and sports.
kategória: Könyv > Idegennyelvű könyvek > Angol nyelvű >
kategória: Könyv > Történelem > Magyar történelem >
kategória: Könyv > Történelem > Művelődéstörténet >
kiadó: Vista Books, 1990
cikkszám / ISBN: 0040619
kötés: kötve/egészvászon (kiadói, eredeti védőborítóban)
oldalszám: X, 374
könyv nyelve: magyar
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