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Stafford-Deitsch, Jeremy : The Monuments of Ancient Egypt

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"Millions of people visit the ancient Egyptian sites annually and are inspired and awestruck by the ruins. Yet it is almost impossible to photograph them adequately; the sites are overrun with tourists, photography is forbidden in various locations and amateur cameras cannot correct the perspectives of the monuments." "It is many decades since the ancient Egyptian sites have been systematically photographed on large-format photographic equipment. For this book Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch has visited and photographed the major monuments along the Nile, as well as little-known ruins in the desert oases and the Fayum. By using professional equipment and working in the summer when the sites are all but deserted, he has managed to capture the full splendour and scale of these unique monuments." "In an introductory essay, the highly respected Egyptologist T. G. H. James examines the history of recording Egypt and its monuments. He takes us back to the original tradition of explorers and scholars drawing the places they visited - sometimes making meticulous copies of the monuments with their inscriptions - and on to the development of photography which provided exciting new possibilities." With over 120 stunning colour photographs and accompanying text giving a brief background to each site, this book fully reflects the magnificence of Egypt's greatest monuments.
category: Books > Arts > Art album >
category: Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >
category: Books > Arts > Art history >
publisher: British Museum, 2005
item number / ISBN: 9780714119465
binding: hardcover (in original dust jacket)
pages: 167 p.
language: English

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