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- Szentkép ajánlójegyzék
Új árakkal! - Új szentkép ajánlójegyzék II.
- 12 érdekes régiség
Papírrégiség, Aprónyomtatvány
- Cirkusz
- Modern grafika
- Szocreál
- NER Irodalom
- Egyéb
üres a kosár
nincs bejelentkezve
Wodehouse, P. G. : Summer Moonshine
- leírás
- további adatok
A full cast of Wodehouse creations—including tyrannical relatives, beastly acquaintances, demon children, and literary fatheads—return for further near catastrophes and sparkling comedy
A Gentleman of Leisure is a comic novel dedicated to Douglas Fairbanks—who starred in the film version—and concerns a young man, his love life, and a burglary. Famiiliar Wodehouse characters from both sides of the ocean make appearances. Meanwhile, in Hot Water, J. Wellington Gedge is the man who has everything—but finds himself caught in a series of international events which will, if he doesn't put a stop to it, leave him wearing the sissy uniform of the American ambassador to Paris. Summer Moonshine involves Sir Buckstone Abbott trying to sell what is probably the ugliest home in England, as well as a complicated love quadrangle and Carry On, Jeeves is a collection of stories in which Jeeves take charge and a familiar bevy of individuals appeal to him to solve their problems—and are never disappointed.
állapot: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
kategória: | Könyv > Idegennyelvű könyvek > Angol nyelvű > |
kategória: | Könyv > Szórakoztató irodalom > |
kiadó: | Penguin Books, 1976 |
cikkszám / ISBN: | 0064453 |
kötés: | fűzve |
oldalszám: | 236 |
könyv nyelve: | angol |