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Cluveri, Johannis : Historiarum Totius Mundi Epitome, - a prima rerum origine usque ad annum Christi M DC XXX

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Esexcentis amplius authoribus sacris profanisque, ad marginem adscriptis, deducta e historia unaquaeque ex sui seculi scriptoribus, ubi haberi potuerunt, fidelier asserta.
Accessit per ipsum authorem continuatio historiae ad annum M D C XXXIII, nunc aucta usque ad conclusionem pacis inter Anglos e Batavos initae, anno M D C LXVII. Editio septima multo correctior e emendatior. Cum uberrimo indice.

The author, Iohannes Cluverus [Johann Clüver] (1593-1633) meticulously examines archaeological evidence, ancient texts, and scholarly interpretations to trace the development of human societies over thousands of years. The book provides insights into the political, social, cultural, and religious practices of the major civilizations of antiquity, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Israel. It explores the rise and fall of empires, the evolution of religious beliefs, and the impact of warfare and trade on the development of civilization. A fascinating and comprehensive resource for anyone interested in understanding the origins and evolution of human civilization.

Parchment binding.
category: Antiques > Latin >
category: Books > History > Universal history >
publisher: Ravesteinium, 1668. Amstelaedami,
item number / ISBN: 0064288
binding: other (see in details)
pages: [5], 900, [32] p.
language: Latin
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