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Stanislawski, Ryszard - Christoph Brockhaus (Hrsg.) : Europa, Europa - Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa. 4 Bände.

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Bd. 1. Bildende Kunst, Fotografie, Videokunst
Bd. 2. Architektur, Literatur, Theater, Film, Musik
Bd. 3. Dokumente
Bd. 4. Biografien, bibliografische Hinweise. Verzeichnis der ausgestelten Werke, Personenregister. Includes work by Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Russian, and Ukrainian artists.

Four-volume catalog of the landmark exhibition Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa curated by Ryszard Stanislawski and Christoph Brockhaus at the Kunst-und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 28.5–16.10.1994. The exhibition presented one of the earliest and most comprehensive views of post-war modern and contemporary art from Central and Eastern Europe post-1989. It was unique in its scope (700 words by 200 artists) and interdisciplinary approach (an equal amount of documentation and materials from architecture, literature, film, theater, music, etc.). Exhibited artists included: (fine art) Brancusi, Malevic, Kandinskij, Kupka, Moholy-Nagy, Kobro, Christo; (music) Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Bartók, Lutoslawski; (film) Eisenstein, Tarkovsky, Wajda, Szabó, Mejerhold, Forman; (theater) Svobodá, Kantor; (literature) Blok, Chlebnikov, Kafka, Tzara, Capek, Mitosz, Kundera, Brodsky, etc. A number of important Central and Eastern European artists had their ‘western’ debut in this exhibition and it was highly influential in the region as a defining post-1989 moment of entry into the dominant western art historical discourse of post-war modernism and contemporary art production. Volume one of the exhibition catalog contains material about visual art (painting and sculpture), photography, and video art with many illustrations; volume two deals with architecture, literature, theater, film, and music; volume three contains documentation of the exhibition with images and texts; volume four contains biographies and bibliographical information, information about exhibited works and 200 pages of images.

Orig.-Karton mit Orig.-Kartonschuber.
category: Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in German >
category: Books > Arts > Art album >
category: Books > Arts > Fine Arts > exhibition catalog >
publisher: Kunst- u Ausstellungshalle der BRD, 1994. Bonn,
item number / ISBN: 0057930
binding: paperback
pages: 479; 239; 367; 199 p.
language: German

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