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Friedel, Helmut (Hrsg.) : America America - How Real is Real?

7 500 Ft
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Myths, Projections, Aspirations

In times of fake news and alternative facts it is becoming even more clear how the American Dream is closely interwoven with emotional pictures and symbols. At the same time, it can be said that no other nation might have the same strong awareness of the power of images. Images of the American Way of Life, which are produced in media and entertainment, are able to consolidate existing power structures and perceptions of reality, but also question them in a radical way. The psychologically charged canvasses of Eric Fischl, the hermetic scenes of Alex Katz, the enormous film-noir-like graffiti paintings of Robert Longo dissect the dreams and fears of an insecure white middle class. Simultaneously, artists such as Jeff Wall or Cindy Sherman conquer scenes that critically reflect our media-influenced perception, becoming models for subsequent generations. By showing 70 masterpieces of US-contemporary art, the book shows how artists from the 1960s to date comment on the American reality.
kategória: Könyv > Művészet > Képzőművészet > kiállítási katalógus >
kategória: Könyv > Művészet > Művészettörténet >
kategória: Könyv > Idegennyelvű könyvek > Német nyelvű >
kiadó: Museum Frieder Burda-Cantz, (2017)
cikkszám / ISBN: 0064337
kötés: kötve/papír
oldalszám: 180
könyv nyelve: német
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