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Books > Foreign Language Books >

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott : The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - and Six Other Stories
Defoe, Daniel : Robinson Crusoe
Carter, Angela  : The Bloody Chamber and other Stories
Fitzgerald, F. Scott : This Side of Paradise
Christie, Agatha  : Black Coffee
László Emőke - Pásztor Emese - Szakál Aurél : Halasi csipke
Szabadi Judit : Art nouveau in Hungary - Painting, Sculpture and the Graphic Arts
Zempléni Árpád : Turanian songs - Legendary and Historical Hero-Songs.
3,600 Ft 2,000 Ft
Hrabal, Bohumil  : I Served the King of England
Durrell, Gerald  : Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons
Orwell, George : Animal Farm
Fitz Jenő (Her.) : Der römische Limes in Ungarn
Szabadi Judit (Ed.) : The Kieselbach collection - Hungarian painting 1900-1945
Plamper, Jan : The Stalin Cult - A Study in the Alchemy of Power
Baum, L. Frank : The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
 Erjavec, Aleš (Ed.) : Postmodernism and the Postsocialist Condition - Politicized Art under Late Socialism
Paganini, Maria : Reading Proust: In Search of Wolf-Fish
Jarry, Alfred : A patafizikus Faustroll Doktor cselekedetei és nézetei, A - Gestes et opinions du Doctor Faustroll, pataphysicien
Bure, Gilles de : Guy Bourdin
Vishniac, Roman  : Leben in Schtetl. Die Letzen Bilder Aus Der Ostjudischen Vergangenheit 1935-1939.
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