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FORRER, MATTHI : Hiroshige. Prints and Drawings. With Essays by Juzuki Juzo and Henry D. Smith II. First published on the occasion of the exhibition in the Royal Academie of Arts, London, 1997.
175.    FISHER, ROBERT E. : Buddhist art and architecture.
The Russo-Japanese War. Fully illustrated. Vol. 7. :
Highsmith, Patricia : The Cry of the Owl
174.    FISHER, ROBERT E. : Art of Tibet.
173.    FISCHER, OTTO : Kunst des Fernen Ostens.
Fahr-Becker, Gabriele : Japanische Farbholzschnitte.
EVANS, JANE : Chinese Brush Painting: A complete course in traditional and modern techniques.
172.    DONATH, ANDREAS : Drachenboot und Dschunkensegel. Chinesische Schiffe in Farben und Versen.
DE SMEDT, MARC : Chinese Erotism.
171.    CONTE CORTI, EGON CASAR : Chinesisches Bilderbuch.
WEIDNER, MARSHA – JOHNSTON LANG, ELLEN – YUCHENG LO, IRVING – CHU, CHRISTINA – ROBINSON, JAMES : Views from Jade Terrace. Chinese Women Artists 1300-1912.
YANADA SADAMI : Complete Sumi-e Techniques. Complete instructions for painting over 200 subjects including flowers, trees, animals, fish and landscapes.
170.    COHN, WILLIAM : Ostasiatische Porträtmalerei von William Cohn.
2 400 Ft
169.    Chu Yuan. :
168.    Mao Tun (ed.) : Chinese Literature Quarterly. 1956. Vol 4.
167.    Mao Tun. (ed.) : Chinese Literature Quarterly. 1956. Vol. 3.
166.    Mao Tun (ed.) : Chinese Literature Quarterly. 1956. Vol. 2.
Bevers, Holm - Schatborn, Peter - Welzel, Barbara : Rembrandt: The Master & His Workshop. Drawings & Etchings.
165.    Mao Tun (ed.) : Chinese Literature Quarterly. 1956. Vol. 1.
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