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találatok: 19343db
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Le Clézio, J. M. G. : The Mexican Dream
Clarke, Arthur C. : Expedition to Earth
Austen, Jane : Pride and Prejudice
Fitzgerald, F. Scott  : Tender is the Night
Ellis, Bret Easton  : Less Than Zero
Barnhart, Robert K. : Chambers Dictionary of Etymology
Lang, Lothar (Hrsg.) : George Grosz
Orosz, Joseph [József, balásfalvi] : Gesetzartikel des ungrischen Reichstages 1832 bis 1836. - Übers. und mit den nöthigen Erläuterungen versehen von --
Stegner, Wallace and Mary : Great American Short Stories
Lindquist, Ulla-Carin : Ro utan åror
Bradbury, M.; Mottram, E.; Franco J. : The Penguin Companion to Literature 3: United States & Latin American Literature
Litz, A. Walton : The Art of James Joyce - Method and Design in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake
Magalaner, Marvin - Richard M. Kain : Joyce - The Man, the Work, the Reputation
Bradbury, Ray : The Illustrated Man
Kornis, Julius : Hungary and European Civilisation
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Wind from the Sun
Clarke, Arthur C.  : Dolphin Island
Louie, Kam (Ed.) : The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture
Wilde, Oscar : Az önző óriás - The Selfish Giant
Jung, C. G. :  The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature
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