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Books > Foreign Language Books >

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results: 18820pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
Bockris, Victor : Patti Smith
2,400 Ft
Fielding, Helen : Bridget Jones - Mad about The Boy
1,800 Ft
Hosseini, Khaled : A Thousand Splendid Suns
1,600 Ft
Dickens, Charles : Great Expectations
Britt, David (Ed.) : Modern Art - Impressionism to Post-Modernism
4,000 Ft
Eisenman, Stephen F. - Thomas Crow  : Nineteenth Century Art - A Critical History
5,000 Ft
Tom of Finland - The Art of Pleasure
13,000 Ft
Winter, John : Modern Buildings
2,500 Ft
Buday (György) George : Book of ballads - Original woodcuts. (
Cowley, Robert (Ed.) : What If? - The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
1,600 Ft
Camus, Albert : L'étranger
1,200 Ft
Lukács, Georges : La Théorie du Roman
1,600 Ft
Highet, Gilbert : The Anatomy of Satire
1,500 Ft
Evans, Harold : The American Century - People, Power and Politics: An Illustrated History
Berne, Eric : Games People Play - The Psychology of Human Relationships
2,000 Ft
Hines, Barry : A Kestler for a Knave
1,500 Ft
Mantel, Hilary : The Mirror & the Light
2,400 Ft
Twain, Mark : A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court
900 Ft
Tallián Tibor : Béla Bartók - Sein Leben und Werk
1,800 Ft
Radnóti Miklós : Gewaltmarsch - Ausgewaehlte Gedichte
2,400 Ft
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