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Tálos, Emmerich - Wolfgang Neugebauer (Hg.) : Austrofaschismus. Politik - Ökonomie - Kultur 1933-1938
Point, Nicolas : Wilderness Kingdom - Indian Life in the Rocky Mountains, 1840-1847
Nabokov, Vladimir : Lolita
Orwell, George : Inside the Whale and Other Essays
Friedman, Bonnie - Wood, Paul : Hawaii - Eyewitness Travel Guides
Holme, Charles (Ed.) : Peasnat Art in Italy - Special Autumn Number of The Studio 1913
King, Stephen : The Shining
Horn, Péter (Ed.) : Cross-Sectional Ct and Mr Anatomy Atlas of Red Deer
12 000 Ft
Atkins, Robert : ArtSpeak - A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements and Buzzwords, 1945 to the Present
Grierson, Roderick [editor] : Gates of Mystery - The art of Holy Russia.
Bereznay Tamás : Hungarian Dessert Book
Elton, Ben : Chart Throb
Saylor, Steven : The Venus Throw - A Mystery of Ancient Rome
Chaucer, Geoffrey : The Canterbury Tales - Fifteen Tales and the General Prologue
Tennyson, Alfred : Tennyson's Poetry - Authotarive Text. Contexts. Criticism.
Eliot, T.S. : The Waste Land - Authotarive Text. Contexts. Criticism.
Coetzee, J. M. : The Master of Petersburg
Orwell, George : A Clergyman's Daughter
Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Slytherin Edition
Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Ravenclaw Edition
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