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találatok: 19264db
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Ferlinghetti, Lawrence : Pictures of the Gone World
Fitzgerald, F. Scott  : Tender is the Night
Hutcheon, Linda : Narcissistic Narrative - The Metafictional Paradox
Die Schweiz im Schnee (Broschüre)
Wright, Quincy  : A study of war - Abridged by Louise Leonard Wright
Marek, George R. : Cosima Wagner - Ein Leben für ein Genie. Biographie.
Adams, Hazard  : Critical Theory Since Plato
Borges, Jorge Luis  : Labyrinths - Selected Stories & Other Writings
McInerney, Jay : Ransom
Büchner, Georg : Leonce and Lena. Lenz. Woyzeck
Neil, William : Harper's Bible Commentary
Barth, John  : Lost in the Funhouse
Chesterton, G. K.  : The Incredulity of Father Brown
Barth, John : Chimera
Fletcher, Angus : Allegory - The Theory of a Symbolic Mode
Csikós-Nagy, Béla - Peter S. Elek : Price and Power - A Twentieth-Century Reinterpretation of Interconnected Phenomena
2 800 Ft
Marx, George : The Voice of the Martians - Hungarian Scientists who Shaped the 20th Century in the West
Choudhury, Bikram : Bikram Yoga - The Guru Behind Hot Yoga Shows the Way to Radiant Health and Personal Fulfillment
Turgenev, Ivan : Fathers and Sons
Adams, Robert Martin : Surface and Symbol - The Consistency of James Joyce's Ulysses
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