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results: 1835pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
099.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Vue Jerusalem et Eglise Russe. Cca. 1870.
60,000 Ft
098.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : [The Holy Sepulchre chapel in Jerusalem. The Tomb of Jesus Christ.], cca. 1870.
60,000 Ft
097.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Jérusalem. Arc de l'Ecce Homo. Cca. 1870.
66,000 Ft
096.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Jerusalem. Mont des Oliviers. Cca. 1880.
60,000 Ft
095.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Gethsemani l'eglise Russe. Cca. 1870.
60,000 Ft
094.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Fontaine des Apôtres sur la Route de Jéricho. Cca. 1870.
54,000 Ft
093.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : Bethanie. Vue générale. Cca. 1880.
90,000 Ft
092.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Tombeau de Rachel. Cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
091.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Wailing Wall in Jerusalem], cca. 1885.
30,000 Ft
090.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN [Zangaki (?)] : Jerusalem. Tribunal de David. Cca. 1870.
45,000 Ft
089.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Jerusalem. Tribunal de David. Cca. 1880.
27,000 Ft
088.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Chaire de Marbre. Cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
087.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Arabic woman], cca. 1880.
42,000 Ft
086.     DAMIANI : Tombeau des Roi interiuer - Tombs of the Kings Interior. Cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
85.     DAMIANI : Village de Siloé – Siloam. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
24,000 Ft
84.     DAMIANI : Tombeau de David interieur. – Tomb of David interior. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
83.     DAMIANI : [Tombs in the valley of Jehoshaphat near Jerusalem], Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
82.     DAMIANI : Porte Dorée exterieur. – Golden gate exterior. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
81.     DAMIANI : Porte d’orée interieur – Golden gate interior. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
36,000 Ft
80.     DAMIANI : Port de Sion – Zion's Gate. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
30,000 Ft
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