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találatok: 1840db
kép feltöltés ideje/ szerző/ megnevezés/ ár
278.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Dame turque. [Turkish lady], cca. 1880.
45 000 Ft
277.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [View of Tunis], cca. 1890.
45 000 Ft
276.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Port d’Alexandrette (Syrie).  [Port of Alexandretta in Syria], cca. 1880.
60 000 Ft
275.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Cheval syrien [Syrian horse], cca. 1880.
75 000 Ft
274.     OBER-ENGADIN (Oberengadin) :  photo album, leporello.
45 000 Ft
272.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Toledo. Puerta principal del Alcazar. [The main gate of the Alcázar in Toledo], Madrid, cca. 1870.
45 000 Ft
271.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Monserrat (Barcelona). Vista del Monasterio por el mediodia [View of the mountain Montserrat with the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat], Madrid, cca. 1870.
36 000 Ft
270.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Barcelona. El Castillo de Monjuich (sic!).             [The Montjuic Castle in Barcelona.], Madrid, cca. 1870.
45 000 Ft
269.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Town-Hall. Cca. 1880.
268.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Scenerie aus dem Botanischen Parken. [Scenery from the Botanical Garden], cca. 1880.
267.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Scenerie aus dem Botanischen Parken. [Scenery from the Botanical Garden], cca. 1880.
266.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore - Missionary chapel. Cca. 1870.
265.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Die St. Andreas Chatedrale in S’(inga)pore. [The St. Andrew Cathedral in Singapore] cca. 1880.
264.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Der Whampoa Garten in Singapore. [The Whampoa Garden in Singapore], cca. 1870.
263.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Ansicht vom Fort. [The view of the fort in Singapore], cca. 1870.
262.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Das Hotel de l’Europe in Singapore. [The Europe Hotel in Singapore],    cca. 1880. 2 pcs photos.
261.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Wheat for Export at South Russia’s great Seaport, Odessa. Underwood & Underwood, New York, 1893
260.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Arabian dervis in the Mosque Hassan in Rabat], cca. 1885.
30 000 Ft
259.     [GILLETTA, JEAN] : Monte-Carlo tir aux pigeons [View of Monte-Carlo with clay pigeon shooting range], cca. 1920.
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