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Books > Philosophy >

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Malthus, Thomas Robert : An Essay on the Principle of Population and A Summary View of the Principle of Population
Williams, Bernard : Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
Popper, Karl R. : The Myth of the Framework - In Defence of Science and Rationality
Strawson, P. F. : The Bounds of Sense - An Essay on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Dooley, Patrick Kiaran : Pragmatism as Humanism - The Philosophy of William James
Moore, Goerge Edward : Commonplace Book 1919-1953
Popper, Karl R. : The Open Society and its Enemies I-II.
Veres András  : Lukács György irodalomszociológiája
A Bécsi Kör filozófiája
Eco, Umberto : Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
Erasmus, Rotterdami : A Balgaság Dicsérete
Kirk, G.S. - Raven, J.E. - Schofield, M. : The Presocratic Philosophers
Simon-Székely Attila (Főszerk.) : Lélekenciklopédia - A lélek szerepe az emberiség szellemi fejlődésében. II. kötet: Filozófia, tudomány, paratudomány
Szun Ce : A hadviselés tudománya
Spencer, Herbert : Die Erziehung...
Emerson, Ralph Waldo : Representative Men
Cassirer, Ernst : La philosophie des lumiéres
Mace, C. A. (Ed.) : British Philosophy in the Mid-Century. A Cambridge Symposium
Nozick, Robert : The Examined Life - Philosophical Meditations
Hegel, G(eorg) W(ilhelm) F(riedrich) : Phenomenology of Spirit
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