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Könyv > Filozófia >

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találatok: 5193db
kép feltöltés ideje/ szerző/ megnevezés/ ár
Botton, Alain de  : The Consolations of Philosophy
Kuhn, Thomas S. : The Copernican Revolution - Planetary Astronomy in the Develpoment of Western Thought
Nietzsche, Friedrich : The Dawn of Day
Spengler, Oswald  : The Decline of the West
Derrida, Jacques : The Derrida Reader
Murphey, Murray G. : The Development of Peirce's Philosophy
Tismaneanu, Vladimir  : The Devil in History - Communism, Fascism, and Some Lessons of the Twentieth Century
Bakhtin, M. M. : The Dialogic Imagination - Four Essays
Plato : The Dialogues of Plato - Volume 1: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Gorgias, Menexenus.
Epictetus : The Discourses I-II
Sagan, Carl : The Dragons of Eden
Gottlieb, Anthony : The Dream of Reason - A History of Western Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance
Moore, G.[eorge] E.[dward] : The Early Essays
Hobbes, Thomas  : The Elements of Law Natural and Politic. Part I: Human Nature; Part II: De Corpore Politico
Fukuyama, Francis : The End of History and the Last Man
Fukuyama, Francis  : The End of History And the Last Man
Plotinus : The Enneads
Bacon, Francis : The Essays (Reprint)
Bacon, Francis : The Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral
Feuerbach, Ludwig  : The Essence Of Christianity
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