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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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results: 12515pc(s)
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James, Henry : The Ambassadors
Lawrence, D. H.  : A Modern Lover
Trollope, Anthony : Phineas Redux
Woolf, Virginia : The Waves
Saramago, José : Death with Interruptions
Hajni István - Kolozsvári Ildikó  : Best Flavors of Hungary
Vadas József - Szelényi Károly - Varga Vera : Herend - Traditional Craftsmanship in the 20th Century
Wollen, Peter : Paris Hollywood: Writings on Film
Welsh, Irvine : Glue
F. Dózsa Katalin (szerk.) : A Magyar Divat 1116 éve - A magyar öltözködéskultúra képes története a honfoglalástól napjainkig
Siegmeister, Elie : Work & Sing - A Collection of the Songs That Built America.
Szendrei Janka (szerk.) : Kottás kódextöredékek a magyar középkorból - Medievel Notated Codex Fragments from Hungary
1,200 Ft
Beckett, Gilbert Abott A. : The Comic History of England - Mikszáth Kálmán könyvtárából
Anolik, Binyamin; Gross, Nathan & Shiloni, Ilana (Ed.) : Homage to Korczak - excerpts from his writings poems in his honor children's drawings
Kishon, Ephraim : My Family Right Or Wrong
Edwards, Isabel M.  : Practical Glove Making
Joyce, James : Finnegans Wake
Czakó, Stephen : How the Hungarian problem was created? Some authentic details of the preliminary deliberations of the Treaty of Trianon.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott : The Great Gatsby
Austen, Jane : Sense and Sensibility
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