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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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results: 12800pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
Huxley, Aldous : Island - A Novel
Mailer, Norman  : An American dream
Maugham, W. Somerset : The painted veil
Dreiser, Theodore : The Titan
2,400 Ft
Gibbs, Marion : Feudal Order - A study of the origins and development of English feudal society
Faulkner, William : Intruder in the Dust
Costain, Thomas B. : Read With Me
James, Henry : Hawthorne
Thackeray, William Makepeace : The Newcomes - Memoirs Of A Most Respectable Family
Milton, J. : Areopagitica and other prose works
Mailer, Norman : Barbary Shore
1,200 Ft
Mansfield, Katherine  : Bliss and Other Stories
800 Ft
Updike, John : Memories Ford Administration
Boas, Frederick S. : An Introduction To Tudor Drama
Krejci, Harald - Tina Teufel (Hrsg./Ed.) : Anna Jermolaewa
Kreuzer, Stefanie (Hrsg./Ed.) : Menschheitsdämmerung - Kunst in Umbruchzeiten / Dawn of Humanity - Art in Period of Upheaval
5,800 Ft
Tur, Nasan : Hunted
Debus, Kurt H. - Jones, David M. : John F. Kennedy Space Center - Souvenir Book in beautiful natural color + Duplicated Photo Series of the Moon Landing (11 pieces.) + 3-D Postcard
JUDIT REIGL. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes. 2010. oct.- 2011. jan. - (artabsolument) numéro spécial
China Pictorial. 1954. November - Sino-Soviet Friendship Grows
12,000 Ft
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