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Joyce, James : Dubliners
Malthus, Thomas Robert : An Essay on the Principle of Population and A Summary View of the Principle of Population
Williams, Bernard : Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
Platt, Anthony M  - O'Leary, Cecilia E. : Bloodlines
Popper, Karl R. : The Myth of the Framework - In Defence of Science and Rationality
Strawson, P. F. : The Bounds of Sense - An Essay on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Freud, Sigmund : A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Dooley, Patrick Kiaran : Pragmatism as Humanism - The Philosophy of William James
Singer, Isaac Bashevis : The Death of Methuselah
Moore, Goerge Edward : Commonplace Book 1919-1953
Popper, Karl R. : The Open Society and its Enemies I-II.
Anna Stafiej (Editor) : Mrozek Festival - Cracow, 15th-29th June 1990.
Rodman, Selden (edit.) : 100 American Poems
Stevenson, Robert L. : Treasure Island
Eco, Umberto : Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
Sacks, Oliver : The Mind's Eye
Golding, Wiliam : Lord of the Flies
Liekis, Šarūnas : A State within a State? Jewish Autonomy in Lithuania, 1918-1925
Purves, Alec A. : Flags for ship modellers and marine artists
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