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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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Zám Krisztina (szöveg) - Tóth László (fotó) : A légtér kecskeméti őrzői - MH 59. Szentgyörgyi Dezső Repülőbázis / Air Patrol at Kecskemét
Dahl, Roald : Ten Short Stories
Larsson, Stieg : The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Cassirer, Ernst - Paul Oskar Kristeller - John Herman Randall (Selections in translation, ed.) : The Renaissance Philosophy of Man (Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives)
Pletsch, Carl : Young Nietzsche - Becoming a Genius
Lantos Miklós : Fából, kőből, sárból / From wood, stone and mud  - A Dél-Dunántúl építészeti öröksége
Trump, Donald - Schwartz, Tony : The Art of the Deal
Auster, Paul : The New York Trilogy
Goffman, Erving : The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
O'Neill, John : Incorporating Cultural Theory - Maternity at the Millennium
Critchley, Simon : Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity. Essays on Derrida, Levinas, & Contemporary French Thought
Sissa, Giulia : Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World
Puskás Andrea : Female Identity in Feminist Adaptations of Shakespeare
1,200 Ft
Vargas Llosa, Mario : Conversation in The Cathedral
Grossman, Vasily : Life and Fate
Austen, Jane : Pride and Prejudice
Orwell, George : Animal Farm
Moran, Dermot - Timothy Mooney (Ed.) : The Phenomenology Reader
Hawkins, Paula : The Girl on The Train
Hornby, Nick : About a Boy
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