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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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results: 12547pc(s)
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Dostoevsky, Fyodor : Notes from the Underground; The Grand Inquisitor
El-Digwy, Prof. Sheikh Youssef : Messages of Peace - A Treatise on Islam
Breisach, Ernst : Historiography - Ancient, Medieval, & Modern
Epstein, Isidore : Judaism
Atwood, Margaret  : Robber Bride
Foucault, Michel - Rabinow, Paul (Ed.) : The Foucault reader - An Introduction to Foucault's Thought
Kersting, Rita - Petra Mandt (Hrsg./Ed.) : Russische Avantgarde in Museum Ludwig - Original und Fälschung. Fragen, Untersuchungen, Erklärungen / Russian Avant-Garde in the Museum Ludwig - Original and Fake. Questions, Research, Explanations
McCourt, Frank : Angela's Ashes - A Memoir
Byron, George Gordon : The poetical works of Lord Byron vol. I-VIII.
20,000 Ft
Ramovic, Mehmed : Principles of metallogeny. Dedikált.
6,000 Ft
Dickens, Charles : Hard Times - For These Times
Golding, William : The Lord of the Flies
Chesterton, G. K. : Father Brown
Molnár Ferenc : The Paul Street Boys
E. Csorba Csilla és Lukács Ágota (összeáll.) : A kamera poétája. André Kertész-fotók a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum gyűjteményeiből
Hodgson, Marshall G. S. : The Venture of Islam 2. - The Expansion of Islam in the Middle Periods
Hodgson, Marshall G. S. : The Venture of Islam 1. - The Classical Age of Islam
Laffin, John : The Dagger of Islam
Franzen, Jonathan : Freedom
Burgess, Anthony : Nothing Like the Sun - A Story of Shakespeare's Love Life
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