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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English > Literature in English >

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results: 3224pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
Hardy, Thomas : Selected Writings - Stories, Poems And Essays
Hendry, J. F. (Ed.) : Scottish Short Stories
Said, Edward W. : Covering Islam - How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World
Milne, A. A. : Winnie-the-Pooh
Ashbery, John : Selected Poems
Huizinga, J.[ohan] : In the Shadow of To-morrow
Russell, Bertrand : Unpopular Essays
Murasaki, Lady : The Tale of Genji
Synge, J. M. : The Playboy of the Western World and Riders to the Sea
Dickens, Charles : A Christmas Carol - And Other Victorian Fairy Tales by John Ruskin and Others
Bardwell, Leland : The House
Ekvall, Robert B. : Fields on the Hoof - Nexus of Tibetan Nomadic Pastoralism
Updike, John : Rabbit, Run
Sillitoe, Alan : Saturday Night and
Jahn, Janheinz - Schild, Ulla - Nordmann, Almut : Who's who an African literature - Biographies, works, commentaries
Burns, Robert : Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
Inge, Thomas  M. : Huck Finn Among the Critics - A Centennial Selection 1884-1984
2,000 Ft
Bloom, Harold : The visionary company  A reading of English romantic poetry
Fleming, Ian : You Only Live Twice  (James Bond)
Russell, Bertrand : Speaks His Mind
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