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Könyv > Filozófia >

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találatok: 5189db
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Cassirer, Ernst - Paul Oskar Kristeller - John Herman Randall (Selections in translation, ed.) : The Renaissance Philosophy of Man (Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives)
Plato : The Republic
Mourelatos, Alexander P. D.  : The Route of Parmenides
Eco, Umberto : The Search for the Perfect Language
Dummett, Michael : The Seas of Language
Beauvoir, Simone de : The Second Sex
Coffa, J. Alberto : The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap - To the Vienna Station
Janicaud, Dominique  : The Shadow of That Thought
Janicaud, Dominique  : The Shadow of That Thought - Heidegger and the Question of Politics
Panichas, George A. (Ed.) : The Simone Weil Reader
Irwin,  William - Conard, Mark T. - Skoble, Aeon J. : The Simpsons and Philosophy - The D'oh! of Homer (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
Koestler, Arthur : The Sleepwalkers. A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques : The Social Contract
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques : The Social Contract
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques  : The Social Contract' and Other Later Political Writings
Gaarder, Jostein : The Solitaire Mystery
Hoffmann, Yoel (translated, with a commentary by) : The Sound of the One Hand - 281 Zen Koans with Answers
SMITH, JOHN E. : The Spirit Of American Philosophy
Baudrillard, Jean : The Spirit of Terrorism and  Requiem for the Twin Towers
Baudrillard, Jean : The Spirit of Terrorism and Other Essays
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