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Books > Arts > Art album >

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results: 1454pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
Kennedy, Ian G. : Tiziano. (Taschen album)
3,000 Ft
Freed, Rita E. - Markowitz, Yvonne J. : Pharaohs of the Sun - Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen
Wyatt, Gary : Spirit Faces - Contemporary Masks of the Northwest
4,000 Ft
Huxley, Francis : The Dragon - Nature of Spirit, Spirit of Nature
2,800 Ft
Diós István (szerk.) : Oltalmad alá futunk - Szűzanya kegyszobrok. Dr. Kohányi Gábor gyűjteménye
Puglisi, Catherine : Caravaggio
7,500 Ft
Zanker, Paul - Björn Christian Ewald : Mit Mythen leben - Die Bilderwelt der römischen Sarkophage
10,000 Ft
Leopold, Rudolf (Hrsg.) : Leopold - Meisterwerke aus dem Leopold-Museum
Schmalenbach, Werner : Henri Rousseau - Dreams of the Jungle
2,500 Ft
Marlow, Tim : Egon Schiele
2,500 Ft
Michalski, Sergiusz : New Objectivity
8,000 Ft
Toman, Rolf (Ed.) : Neoclassicism and Romanticism - Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawings, 1750-1848
Néret, Gilles : Devils
3,000 Ft
Grosenick, Uta - Burkhard Riemschneider (Edit.) : Art Now - Artists at the Rise of the New Millennium
Hind, Rebecca : The Faces of God -1000 Images in Art
3,600 Ft
Kalinsky, Nicola : Gainsborough
2,800 Ft
Malek, Jaromir : Egypt
10,000 Ft
Marks, Richard - Paul Williamson (Ed.)  : Gothic - Art for England 1400-1547
Vanzan, Anna : Perzsia - Évezredek kincsei
Fahr-Becker, Gabriele : Japanese Prints
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