

üres a kosár

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77.     DAMIANI : La mer morte et les montagnes de Judée – Dead Sea. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
18 000 Ft
 117.     ERDÉLYI, MÓR : [Lajos Ihász landlord in Hathalom on his horse called Pluto with his chamberer István Fáncsi dressed as henchman for the occasion of the Millennium parade march held in Budapest on 14. August 1897.]
151.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Hikers in the Börzsöny mountain], 1907.
005.     UNKNOWN -  ISMERETLEN : Brünnen im Hof der Begova-Mosché.
018.     ABDULLAH FRÈRES (Abdullah Brothers, Hovsep and Kevork) : Tombeaux de Khalifs. cca. 1880.
18 000 Ft
053.     [GILLETTA, JEAN] : Menton – Vue prise de la Mortola.   Cca. 1910.
171.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rókus chapel and Verseny store in October, 1956.]
203.     PÉCSI, JÓZSEF : [4 women’s portraits], 1950s.
18 000 Ft
215.     [SCHEMBOCKE, (MICHELE)?] : [Portrait of Lajos Kossuth (1802-1894) in 1867.], Torino.
230.     BROGI, GIACOMO : Milano. Chiesa de S. Ambrogio. Cca. 1870.
18 000 Ft 8 000 Ft
297.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Bing Crosby signed photo], cca 1950.
18 000 Ft
300.     MONTE, JOHN : [Henry Fonda signed photo], 1965.
18 000 Ft
054.     [GILLETTA, JEAN] : Menton. La plage. Cca. 1910.
055.     [GILLETTA, JEAN] : Route de Nice á Monaco. Cca. 1910.
281.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Interieur de la Mosquée de St. Sophie. Vue Générale. [The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul from the inside], cca. 1880.
247.      UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Japanese art tourism propaganda photos from the 1960's. Landscapes, architectural sights, garden art, theatre, religion. From the Budapest Japanes Embassy's long-ago collection.]
63.     [DAMIANI] :  [Inside the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem], cca. 1880.
24 000 Ft
65.     DAMIANI : Chapelle de St. Heléne dans la basilique. – Chapel of St Helena. Cca. 1880.
24 000 Ft
66.     DAMIANI : Citadella de Sion – Citadel of Zion. Jerusalem, cca. 1880.
24 000 Ft
67.     DAMIANI : Jerusalem: Coupole de l’Ascension. – Dome of the Ascension. Cca. 1880.
24 000 Ft
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üres a kosár